

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How to lose weight-eating good breakfast

Losing weight is easy if you don’t skip your breakfast every morning. Report, have it that 80% of those who have succeeded in losing weigh have not skip breakfast every morning. This means eating good breakfast is one of the ways of losing weight. Follow me on this article and let me show you the importance of breakfast to your health and weight loss program.
Cereal is good for breakfast but you need to add protein to your diet in the morning I will recommend plant protein like Soya beans. To your health this is better compare to animal protein like egg or red meat. It is also good to include fiber in your diet. It will help you feel more satisfied much longer. But if you skip breakfast your body will think you are staving and will hold up the calories in the body. A combination of protein and fiber is ideal for setting you up for eating right the rest of the day. Don’t join the group that believe in protein only for breakfast because the body works harder to digest protein so the combination of protein and fiber is digested with easy. Carbohydrate only too, is not good for breakfasts. So, a truly healthy breakfast should comprise of three components carbohydrates, protein and fiber.
Another reason why the combination is good is because it will also help to keep your blood sugar steady and thereby prevent hunger from returning so quickly. But if you skip breakfast your blood sugar will be alter and you will be sending the wrong signal to the body. This is the reason why eating breakfast is good and very important if you are to lose weight.
Some persons complain of stomach upset in the morning that is why they don’t eat in the morning. Another complains is that they find it difficult to eat in the morning. But, my advice here is, for you to skip breakfast just sip a cup of yogurt. It will do your body more good if you don’t skip breakfast.
To know more on the goodness of not skipping breakfast, download free from my blog and you can print the over twenty articles to help you lose weight and stay healthy.

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